Its a long time I never meet Mr Thomas Marshall ( he muslim name is Hassan Asif ) actually Mr Hassan is UK citizen form Brighton, when I meet him last Thurday I invited him with his family to my house (garden in a home) for a lunch on Sunday.
In the afternoon Mr Hassan and family arrived to my house, before lunch time, he make a tour a round my small house. What the acttractive thing of my little home is a small garden infront of the hall. wood craft, my big barrel and village cool air.
Even in Brighton he own a big bunglow top of the hill infront of the sea, my small house sroundding the orchad with a warm weather still can make them happy. Even his wife ia local women, Mr Hassan only can talk 3 words in Malay - apa khabar, assalamualaikum (arabic) and makan.
To Mr Hassan and family, thank you very much because want to came at my small home. And we wellcome you again for the next visit.
In the afternoon Mr Hassan and family arrived to my house, before lunch time, he make a tour a round my small house. What the acttractive thing of my little home is a small garden infront of the hall. wood craft, my big barrel and village cool air.
Even in Brighton he own a big bunglow top of the hill infront of the sea, my small house sroundding the orchad with a warm weather still can make them happy. Even his wife ia local women, Mr Hassan only can talk 3 words in Malay - apa khabar, assalamualaikum (arabic) and makan.
To Mr Hassan and family, thank you very much because want to came at my small home. And we wellcome you again for the next visit.
it's ok bro, as long as people can understand...blasah jek!
BalasPadamjarang org-org kita dapat tetamu macam anda. anda memang handal dan hebat.
BalasPadamSalam Zedmagel (:-D)
BalasPadamHow nice of you to invite them. Perhaps next time you should get Mr Hassan to wear sarung pelikat while "lepaking" at your beautiful home. Barulah betul2 santai!! (:-D)
Bro rouslenz,
BalasPadamThanks for your words.It difficult to find your comments at the orther blog unless wahnuar blog.
I do what as well I can. It work maa....!
Bro Kuntong,
BalasPadamDon't say like that bro, your words make me shame...he....he...you really mean it ah? As what I wrote he is my old friend, like you and other friends.
See you in your next classroom `How To Speak Malaysian Germany'.It nice to meet and talk with your and BP bloggers again.
Salam Mia Mom's,
BalasPadamI hope so, perhaps in his next visit. Actually got one batik sarong hanging in my garden as what you can see in my snap, but very sad to ask him wearing it.
My home, actually not so beautiful as what you think, its a village house..your know, like your story in your blog. But it just kept deep meaning thing for us to care. It will bring back lot of memory while we are small
Sdra Zedmagel:that's what we call "F.R.A.N.C.E". they came to your home and had lunch together.It was very nice moments.
BalasPadamF = friendship , R = Remains , A = and ,
N = never , C = comes , E = end.
FRANCE + friendship remains and never comes end.
Bro Kuntong,
BalasPadamI agree with your opinion, that right.